14 thoughts on “Chapter 24, page 27 – Hands up, Miss!

  1. Sooner NuEmperor becomes ExEmperor the better the universe will be

  2. Yeah, these blue dicks seem to be the type who have gone so long on reputation and no real threats they have grown arrogant and become bully-thugs… the perfect fit for NuEmperor

  3. Did these guards never watched Red?

    1. They look familiar, but not from Halo
      Thinking Warhammer? The space version not the one that got shat on and turned into WoW

  4. Site = location; sight = view. Last panel should probably have “shoot on sight” rather than “shoot on site.”

    1. Nah. Shoot ’em where they are works just as well as shoot ’em where they see ’em.
      It’s contextual.
      Eric Hines

      1. Thank you E Hines and Ebonbolt! I revised it cuz Ebonbolt is correct (“on sight” is technically the way to write the expression)

  5. I’m strongly reminded of the blue hardshell dicks in a completely different comic. They were eventually chopped up execpt for the two who had the sense to surrender.

  6. Jeesh, this is all because the emperor thinks this was a match, not an assault on a simple store owner. He’s being played to fool to avoid getting the chopping block, if there’s any justice, it won’t work long. Once the effort is made (IF it’s made) to gather the evidence, those clowns will be either fried or exiled.

    1. NuEmperor is a fool, remember how he ended up in that situation where he can’t remember Reny from?
      And Eph is on his second (at least) Emperor (looking forward to him finding out who Reny is connected with :evil_grin: )

      1. 👍yup!

  7. Seven against five. Not a very even fight. Baby Emperor’s guardlets wouldn’t even be useful sparring partners.
    Eric Hines

    1. No, these are just the arresting officers, these guys may be no problem to takedown, but then they would be wanted criminals in the entire Empire (which still, technically, includes the planet of the Vay)
      Remember, Reny and co haven’t actually done anything yet

      1. 👍😁

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