Chapter 22, page 9 – Blowjobs unsanitary, I don’t blame you

11 thoughts on “Chapter 22, page 9 – Blowjobs unsanitary, I don’t blame you

  1. Norg is right! And Tirin proves it with her shirt in panel no. 6, LOL

    1. Lol 😂

  2. Billy the Perv coulda said something before Loretta started to slobber all over him…

    1. haha I think he was trying to buy into it (why not) but perhaps the slobber got to him.

  3. This may be the only chance of capturing that Time Perv, so worry about curing Billy after you save the universe from him

    1. No, we have to wait for Liv … Zaftig!

      1. We are supposed to prevent Billyonia, not cause it!

  4. Panel 5 as part of Patreon FTW! No pesky censor drones!

    1. haha 😁👍

  5. She thinks they’re unsanitary? No more so than kissing, and any body part can be washed. Hell, sometimes, that’s Half the Fun!

    1. It’s what cums out she finds unsanitary, not the organ

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