Chapter 17, page 20 – Rennie’s headache: side effect or poison

7 thoughts on “Chapter 17, page 20 – Rennie’s headache: side effect or poison

  1. Please, don’t let Rennie die 🙁
    Just noticed she has freckles, she’s too cute to die!

    1. they really know how to pull our heart strings!

      1. 😁

  2. side effect.! she (Rennie) is one of the few that have allergic reaction to the antidote..

    and another NPC, gets adopted to the “npc to pc pile”..

    1. 😅

  3. Rennie’s no dummy. She knows that Tirin deflected her question, and has a pretty good idea that it doesn’t bode well for her.

    That’s an “Oh, poop! My hero’s not omnipotent.” look, if I’ve ever seen one.

    1. You nailed it 👍

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